Selected Collections


Museum of Modern Art, Franklin Furnace Collection

Center for Book Arts

New York Public Library Print Collection

South Street Seaport Museum

U.S. Department of State

Newark Public Library Print Collection

The University of Toronto

Pollock-Krasner Foundation

Godwin-Ternbach Museum, Queens College, CUNY

Queensborough Community College Art Gallery, CUNY



Aetna Life & Casualty

Bristol Meyers Squibb


Deloitte Haskins, Sells

Deloitte Touche

Hearst Corporation

Hilton Hotels

Hughes Offshore


Manufacturers Hanover Trust

Memorial Sloan Kettering

Merrill Lynch

MetLife Insurance

Mobil Oil

The New York Times

Pfizer, Inc.

Philadelphia Life Insurance Co.

Pittsburgh Plate Glass

Proctor & Gamble

Readers Digest


Tupperware, Inc.